Welcome to Diswai!

The Way Social Media Should Be Done.

Watch Video To Install App!


Before we get started, first let me tell you how to Install your App and Push Notifications. You should see Install on a banner at the top of your screen. Click "Install" first then follow the quick instructions that appear below on how to Install the App on your device. Then look for the Disway icon on your home screen. Once you find it, click on the App to enter it. You should see another banner with "Get Notifications" appear at the top of your app screen. Click it to Get Notifications for the latest news and updates then your App setup will be complete. Now watch the video under STEP 1 to get started inside the Disway App.




Watch this Video Next!


"Get Your "FREE" AI Content Software!"

Click the button below:


"2 Click Referral Technology"

Hi there! It's me again, your A.I. Avatar and Welcome to the inside of Disway. First of all, make sure to receive your free bonuses by clicking the button below that says "Free A.I. Content Software" just below this video.
Step 1—Start Referring others by clicking the red button that say "Share with Friends" to utilize our 2 Click Referral Technology. This technology will share to all your contacts and social media platforms. This allows you to send a promotional image with your affiliate link embedded in it with instructions and a short video explaining how Disway works. This will help build your Free Member's List inside your Affiliate Area with simple duplication throughout your team.

Click the button below:


STEP 2. 

"Buy Hands Free Traffic"

Step 2—Buy Hands Free Traffic, that will put your Marketing on Autopilot. The others on your team will do the same causing tremendous Growth and Visibility to your profile. Click the button below that say "Hands Free Traffic" to get started.


Click the button below:



"Send DM's to Content Creators and Influencers."

Step 3—You can also send DM's to Content Creators and Influencers. They can be found on many Social Media Platforms in all different niches. We have created simple templates that members can send out. Your list will grow from your effort and the effort of your team by repeating Step 1 thru Step 3 down 5 levels—Unlimited Across.

Remember, the money is in the list so share to as many as you can to explode your team. Click the button below that says "Free Member's List" to keep up with the growth of your team.


Click the button below:


Also, check out the rest of our resource pages below for more information and a Golden Opportunity to put you ahead of the Game. Take action now and see, where your Visibility—Control—and Income could be.

Then on Launch Day You can choose what Plan you want to Earn up to in Commissions and Fast Start Bonuses for an Instant Income and a Team moving forward.

By the way—check out the next video. This is your favorite A.I. Avatar signing out with Disway. The way social media should be done.



Watch this Video!


WAIT!!! - Only in our Pre-Launch you can Join our Unlimited Partner Plan for a 98% Discount and position yourself to Earn up to our Highest Commission Plan with no monthly payments. You will also receive Unlimited Auto Connects assuring 100% of your Team Members being connected as your followers that can see 100% of your post, and so much more.

Become An Unlimited Partner Now!

Click the button below to Upgrade:


See the Success others are having...

Like the Top Earners, Top Referrers and Top Team Builders.

Click the button below:


Check out our incredible Compensation Plan.

Click the button below:




1 Blog Beiträge
